The company is committed to providing openness, accountability, accountability, independence, equality and fairness to achieve sustainable growth and create added value for all stakeholders
Implementation of Corporate Governance
The company is committed to providing openness, accountability, accountability, independence, equality and fairness to achieve sustainable growth and create added value for all stakeholders
INTA believes that the guarantee of the survival of the company is very much determined by how the management of the interests of the shareholders and all stakeholders can provide a positive and maximum value for all parties.
This belief encourages INTA to apply the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in managing its business and controlling all company policies.
Dasar Hukum Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Penerapan prinsip Tata Kelola Perusahaan di Perseroan berlandaskan pada :
Struktur dan Mekanisme Tata Kelola Perusahaan
Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan
PT Intraco Penta Tbk (Parent Company or Entity) was established based on Deed No. 13 dated 10 May 1975 from Milly Karmila Sareal, S.H., notary in Jakarta. This deed of establishment was approved by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia in Decree No. Y.A.5/199/15 dated 10 June 1975 and published in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 38 dated 11 May 1993, Supplement No. 2084.
The Company's Articles of Association have undergone several changes, most recently with Deed No. 55 dated 23 June 2023 from Rini Yulianti, S.H., notary in East Jakarta, regarding Amendments to Article 3 of the Company's Articles of Association in the context of adjustments to the 2020 Standard Classification of Indonesian Business Fields and Amendments to Article 21 paragraph 9 of the Articles of Association in accordance with Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 14/ POJK.04/2022 concerning Submission of Periodic Financial Reports for Issuers or Public Companies. These changes have received Notification of Amendments to the Articles of Association by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia with letter No. AHU-AH.01.03-0090449 dated July 12, 2023.
Board of Commissioner
Based on the results of the Extraordinary GMS on 29 July 2022, the composition of INTA's Board of Commissioners is as follows:
Main Commissioner: Leny Halim
Independent Commissioner: Jugi Prajogio
Management Function
Risk Management
Internal Control
Public Relations
Social Responsibility
Audit Committee
All members of the Audit Committee have fulfilled the required independence and integrity criteria. Audit Committee members do not have financial, management, share ownership, and / or family relationships with other members of the Board of Commissioners, Directors and / or Controlling Shareholders or relationships with the Company, which can affect their ability to act independently.
Nomination and Remuneration Committee
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is responsible to the Board of Commissioners to assist the implementation of the duties and responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners in relation to providing recommendations on the nomination and remuneration from members of the Board of Commissioners, Directors, and other Committee Members at the Board of Commissioners level as well as the remuneration framework for Executive Officers and Employees as a whole. overall in accordance with the framework of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) with reference to the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 34 / POJK.04 / 2014 dated December 8, 2014 concerning the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of Issuers or Public Companies. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee was formed based on the Decree of the Board of Commissioners No.001 / SKDK / INTA / IV / 2017 concerning the Appointment of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee with membership.
Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee is formed with the purpose of assisting the Board of Commissioners in carrying out its duties and responsibilities related to INTA’s vision and strategic planning to develop local economy in accordance with GCG principles. This committee was formed based on Board of Commissioner decree no 003/SKDK/INTA/IV/2017.
Risk Management Committee
The Risk Management Committee was formed based on the Decree of the Board of Commissioners No.002 / SKDK / INTA / IV / 2017 regarding the Appointment of the Risk Management Committee with membership, as follows:
A brief description of the implementation of the Risk Management committee activities is as follows:
Corporate Secretary
PT Intraco Penta, Tbk has a Corporate Secretary who acts as a liaison between the Company and investors, capital market players, regulators as well as observers and the wider community. The Corporate Secretary facilitates effective communication and ensures the availability of information to various parties and acts as the main liaison between the Company, the Financial Services Authority, the Indonesian Stock Exchange and the public.
The position of Corporate Secretary is currently held by Astri Duhita Sari based on the Decree of the Directors of PT Intraco Penta Tbk No. 029/CORPSEC-INTA/VII/2020.
SKD file: 029/CORPSEC-INTA/VII/2020
Duties of the Corporate Secretary:
Investor Relations
All communications with external parties are coordinated under the Corporate Secretary Unit and assisted by a team of media and investor relations. Submission of Information to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). INTA provides lines and communication facilities with External parties through:
Internal Audit
INTA, as a public company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, has an Internal Control System which is a control mechanism established by the Directors with the approval of the Board of Commissioners on an ongoing basis in order to achieve company goals.
For the above purposes INTA has adopted the principle of Internal Control based on the COSO Model with 5 (five) components that must be controlled, including Environmental Monitoring, Risk Assessment, Information Communication and Monitoring and Activity Monitoring.
The Internal Audit Unit is responsible directly to the President Director and the Audit Committee.
The position of Head of the Internal Audit Unit in 2019 was held by Ivan Sondang Agustinus Lingga.
Code of Ethics and Conduct
Code of ethics and behavior is a set of commitments consisting of INTA's business ethics and the work ethics of INTA's people. The implementation of guidelines and behaviors is aimed at enabling the Company to achieve the vision and mission that have been prepared together. In addition, ethical and behavioral guidelines aim to enable the Company to achieve performance results that are consistent and in accordance with INTA's culture. The continuous implementation of the code of conduct ultimately shapes the corporate culture that is formulated as CINTA, namely Collaborative, Innovative, Network, Trustworthy, and Assurance.
Guidelines for Implementing Corporate Governance
The basic principles of GCG applied by INTA are summarized in TARIF, namely Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independence and Fairness. The organ which has the highest authority and authority at INTA is the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS). This organ is the main forum for shareholders to exercise their rights and authority over the company's management.
Board of Commissioners and Directors Work Guidelines
The main duties and responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners are to supervise the Board of Directors in carrying out their duties in accordance with the resolutions of the GMS and the applicable rules. The Board of Commissioners also functions to provide input and consideration regarding policies that need to be taken by the Board of Directors for the benefit of the Company.
The Board of Directors is fully responsible for carrying out operational business development and risk management activities of the Company. This responsibility is carried out professionally to improve the Company's performance so that it can achieve the Company's goals, which is to provide added value for all stakeholders.
Audit Committee Charter
The Audit Committee Charter is regulated by the Board of Commissioners as a guideline for the Audit Committee in carrying out its roles and responsibilities in a transparent, accountable, competent and independent manner with the aim of being led, managed and carried out in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Charter of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Charter of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
Risk Management Decree
Corporate Risk Management Framework
The Risk Management Committee has the duty and responsibility of assisting the Board of Commissioners in providing professional and independent opinions. This opinion aims to ensure that the Directors implement Company Risk Management properly.
The implementation of the duties and responsibilities of the Risk Management Committee includes:
Violation Reporting System Policy
In order to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of the internal control system and Good Corporate Governance, the Company makes clear, easy to understand and easy to implement guidelines for the Whistlelowing System by emphasizing disclosure of complaints by all employees (internal parties) and parties external to acts of fraud, violations of the law, Company regulations, code of ethics, and conflicts of interest that occur in the Company.
Reporting Conditions:
Complaints by internal and external parties must be based on good faith and not based on personal complaints or prejudice / slander.
Deviations or violations committed by Internal Parties or External Parties that can be reported to the Whistleblowing System include:
Corporate Communication Policy
INTA has implemented the Corporate Communication Policy in order to increase added value for shareholders or investors to support the principle of disclosure and equality of information for all shareholders and investors in accordance with the Financial Services Authority Circular Letter No. 32 / SEOJK.04 / 2015 Concerning Guidelines for Public Corporate Governance Regarding the Relationship of Open Companies with Shareholders in Guaranteeing Shareholder Rights and Information Openness.
The Company's Communication Policy aims to provide fair and timely information to shareholders and investors so that they can evaluate the Company's financial and operational performance.
Policy on Evaluation of the Board of Commissioners and Directors
The Board of Commissioners has developed a self-assessment policy to assess the performance of the Board of Commissioners. Self-assessment is done by each member to assess collegial performance. The purpose of this self-assessment is to encourage the contribution of each member of the Board of Commissioners in order to improve performance in the next period.
In addition, as a public company, PT Intraco Penta Tbk carries out an assessment of the Directors' performance in accordance with predetermined procedures. The party evaluating the performance of the Board of Directors is the Board of Commissioners which is then approved by the shareholders.
Internal Control System
INTA has an internal control system which is a control mechanism established by the Directors with the approval of the Board of Commissioners on an ongoing basis. This internal control system aims to enable the Company to achieve the stated goals.
WBS Online Complaint Form ( Click Here )
WBS Softcopy Complaint Form
WBS Softcopy Complaint Form ( Click Here )
Violation Reporting System
Corporate Secretary
The corporate secretary can be contacted at Email:
Corporate Governance Implementation Report
Fiscal Year 2018
Link File : Result of AGMS
Fiscal Year 2019
Link File : Announcement Of AGMS
Link File : Notice of AGMS
Link File : Result of AGMS (Risalah)
Resignation of Company Director 1. Resignation of Mr, Eddy Rodianto The Changes in the Composition of Audit Committee Membership 1. Sept, 07th 2023 2. Nov, 07th 2023 3. June, 05th 2024