On May 6, 2018, INTA Group held an “INTA CINTA CULTURE FESTIVAL” or “CU-FEST” activity, a “CINTA” cultural activation activity carried out by INTA Group.?? “LOVE” is an acronym of 5 important points in the values ??????adopted by INTA Group, namely: Collaborative, Innovative, Network, Trustworthy and Assurance.
This activity was held in conjunction with the 48th INTA Group birthday celebration in May 2018. By carrying out the concept of open space activities, combining elements of 3S (Healthy, Happy and Celebration), this year’s CU-FEST involves employees’ families, with sports activities in it. The amplitude becomes wider because it is carried out simultaneously at several locations in Indonesia, where several main INTA Group branches are located. In Jakarta, the event was centered at Ancol Eco Park, followed by more than 1,300 participants from morning to afternoon.

On Sunday morning, Eco Park parked, because of the involvement of more than a thousand participants with a maroon red dress code, at a party of togetherness grounded a culture of LOVE. Every entrance to Eco Park goes by the maroon colors with the INTA logo with an atmosphere of mutual diffusion, meeting and admonishing greetings regardless of position status. The location chosen by the committee is very supportive for gathering and mixing, accompanied by a photo booth stage for each employee, with colleagues and their family taking pictures.

At 7:00 a.m., the 2018 CU-FEST LOVE INTA expression began. Starting with a photo session with the INTA Group Directors at the photo booth stage provided. Then hundreds of balloons were distributed by the committee to family members of employees to be flown together. Followed by ribbon cutting by Mr. Petrus Halim, Director of INTA Group and the appointment of the Start flag by Mr. Effendi Ibnoe, Director of INTA Group. Balloon flights symbolize the hope of INTA Group Management to develop the company to achieve the highest target. The event then continued with Fun Walk as a “Motion” symbol together for one purpose, namely to finish together. Fun Walk also builds a message that building an advanced company must be accompanied by the contribution of all elements that move together in the same spirit. In addition, Fun Walk is also beneficial for the health of employees and families who excel in making a real contribution to the work with the full support of their families.

The event then continued with the 48th INTA Anniversary celebration which was attended by all representatives of the Founder INTA Group, Halim Family. On the first welcoming occasion, Mr. Halex Halim, representing the first generation, told the history of INTA Group born and grew. In his second speech, Mr. Petrus Halim, representing the second generation reminded that the importance of family contributions in boosting employee productivity. Hopefully, this joint gathering can increase the contribution to advancing the company.

To add to the joy for the childrens, a ‘baby shark’ dance competition was held which was enthusiastically followed by the children of employees, with Mrs. Leny Halim, Commissioner of INTA Group as one of the choreographers on stage. The event then continued with performances from representatives of the INTA Division and Subsidiaries and Affiliates, interspersed with door prize distribution to add to the lively event. The total door prize prepared by the committee was 60 items to enliven the event. Various creativities are displayed, ranging from pantomime, maumere gymnastics together, costume parties and attractive make-up, dangdut music creativity and closed by Acoustic Plus (acoustic music and poetry). No less important, the prize distribution program for employees who get the most LOVE PINs in 2017. LOVE PIN is a program given to each employee that displays one of the behaviors of the LOVE values. Throughout 2017, 383 LOVE PINs were given to 369 employees. The four employees who successfully collected the LOVE PIN received the most special appreciation from the INTA Group Management, the appreciation was given directly by Mr. Jugi Prajogio as the Independent Commissioner of INTA Group. The event closed at 12 noon, followed by lunch together.

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